Creative professionals, from across industries, use Behance to create multi-media portfolios that showcase their work within the Network, as well as dozens of other partner sites and industry-specific, curated online galleries. Millions of visitors — including top creative companies, recruiters, editors, and more — come to the Network to see the incredible work and find talent to hire.Through instant and efficient promotion of work, ready access to a global pool of top talent, and a constant stream of the best creative work from around the world — the Behance Network is revolutionizing the way creative professionals manage their careers and companies find talent. - behance.net
Dribbble is a semi-exclusive portfolio website where you can join either by invitation or by request for invitation. This site is only for the best of the best, such as yourself.
Dribbble is a community of designers answering that question each day. Web designers, graphic designers, illustrators, icon artists, typographers, logo designers, and other creative types share small screenshots that show their work, process, and current projects.Dribbble is a place to show and tell, promote, discover, and explore design. - dribbble.com
Creattica is a gallery of great design and inspirational imagery. Anyone can submit their work for consideration and voting on items is open to one and all. The best work is accepted and featured in the gallery which receives thousands of visitors every day. - creattica.com
Coroflot is the largest, most established, most diverse pool of professional creative portfolios in the world. Since going live in 1998, Coroflot has grown to host over 1.4 million images of creative work, from the portfolios of over 150,000 creative professionals and students from nearly every country on earth. Coroflot users are industrial, graphic, fashion, interior, textile and interaction designers; 3D modeling and rendering specialists; architects, illustrators, art directors, design managers, and dozens of other disciplines. - coroflot.com
In December 2005, Dave was grumping about how painful and/or expensive it was to put his illustration work online. His code wizard cohort Jason wondered, How hard could it be to make an online portfolio site ourselves? Flush with the thrill of an experiment, they put their noggins together over Christmas week and feverishly whipped up the very first iteration of the site you’re on now. Whoo!
Even though Carbonmade was originally meant as a tool to make life easier for Dave and fellow designer pals, its popularity grew by leaps and bounds. Rather than keep it to themselves, they opened it up for everyone and their mothers to love. (Talented ladies. The lot of ‘em.)
In 2007, things were trucking along well enough for the boys to drop all remaining client work and put their brainstuffs behind Carbonmade full time. Not a bad idea because it’s now home to nearly 400,000 nifty portfolios and an ever-growing team of talented doofuses who love making neat things. - carbonmade.com
deviantART was created to entertain, inspire, andempower the artist in all of us. Founded in August 2000, deviantART is the largest online social network for artists and art enthusiasts with over 19 million registered members, attracting 45 million unique visitors per month.
As a community destination, deviantART is a platform that allows emerging and established artists to exhibit, promote, and share their works within a peer community dedicated to the arts. The site's vibrant social network environment receives over 100,000 daily uploads of original art works ranging from traditional media, such as painting and sculpture, to digital art, pixel art, films and anime. - deviantart.com
Anything I'm missing? Let me know if you know of any other amazing community portfolio websites!
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